1476 1476 - Dithyramb

The shining eyes you see
Beneath the vines and starlit skies and trees
Will never bring you peace
For they mask a tide of death inside that needs to be set free

He is the death seeker
And I am of him
Glossed over eyes within the grove
As night falls over Rome
And I am of him

You offer no defense
Intoxicated bliss comes with fevered kiss
Within passionate throes
Amongst moans and cries the self dies

He is the madman upon the hill
The limbs are torn
The blood is spilled

He drove the women insane
They lay down in his name but have never felt his pain
And I am of him
I come with the storm in seducing forms

I am the madman upon the hill
In ecstatic frenzy
The blood is spilled